The Oxfordshire Book Awards have been running since 2008. They are special because the awards are voted for entirely by children, who nominate their favourite of the books published that year.
The award has three categories:
Best Book (Secondary School Category)
Best Book (Primary School Category)
Best Picture Book (Primary School Category) - Shortlist kindly provided free of charge to participating state schools by Magdalen College School on a first come, first served basis.
Sets of shortlisted books are provided free of charge to participating state schools by Magdalen College School on a first come, first served basis.
Please note that the OBA Committee reserves the right to charge a school for these books if the school doesn't submit votes by the voting deadline (end of March 2025).
The shortlisted books can also be purchased at a discount generously provided by Browns Books for Students.
Children throughout Oxfordshire can take part either at participating primary and secondary schools, or through any public library.
Aims of the awards
To encourage the participation of children and young people, both in participating schools and in the Oxfordshire community, in reading more widely
To promote the enjoyment of reading amongst young people
To promote books that will inspire and develop readers for life
To encourage lively debate, discussion and critical appreciation of books
To generate a link across the county through the medium of books
To encourage the use of school and public libraries, as well as bookshops
To involve students in decision making
How it works
Students, librarians and booksellers nominate books published between September and July of the previous academic year. So, the shortlists for the 2025 awards have been identified by our librarians from those books published between September 2023 and August 2024.
A shortlist for each category is circulated to participating schools and libraries. Students' votes are submitted in March. Votes from students are the only ones taken into account to determine the winners, and each student can vote for only one book!
In November, participating schools are invited to a literary extravaganza at our host school. Authors accept their awards and entertain with stories and illustration. Students meet book lovers from other schools, get their books signed by the authors and, of course, indulge in delicious cake.

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